Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Reminds me of a sweet old man, like Mr. Rogers. Really charming and humble. Would like to see this one make a comeback.
I don't know why everyone hates this name, it's beautiful and classic.
No offence but I don’t like this name, it’s like you’re nor man. Or it’s like North man! A man who came from north.😂🤣.
I never liked this name. It just reminds me of that dumpy looking barfly on that boring, overrated TV show.
This is a nice name, but I can't stand the nickname Norm.
Beautiful name.
This is a city in Oklahoma, so that's all I'll ever think of when hearing it.
Nerdy name, but I like it.
Sounds like “normal”.
My name is Norman. I was named after my father, He was named after his grandfather. Distant cousins have the name. Not sure about more than that. However, I hated the name growing up. My aunts always were singing this annoying song from the 60's about a girl swooning over her boyfriend Norman. You can unfortunately still find this on YouTube. Another reason is that kids in school called me Norman the Doorman. But the absolute worst was when Alfred Hitchcock made the movie, 'Psycho'. Kids in school would come up to me like they were wielding a knife, trying to imitate the shower scene from the movie, complete with the trilling music sounds. It got better when the TV show 'Cheers' came out. People would yell 'Norm!' when I entered the room. Nowadays, young people don't know what that show even was. Whenever there is some crazy, nerdy, or bizarre character in a TV show, they name him Norman. I did not name my son Norman. I didn't want him to go through extra hell. Life is tough enough. I finally have grown into the name. I am 56 years old. I think Norman used to be a more respectable name. Hollywood killed it. Maybe it can recover. Anyway, just my thoughts here. -Norm.
I had a friend whose name was Norman and I miss him so much for he passed away last year at the age of 20.
I have probably more personal experience with the name than anyone else on this board, having lived with it for 72 years and counting. Reactions have been all over the map, from admiration, indifference and humor. An example of the latter comes from peers who recall the 1960s song (one of the worst ever written) "Norman". Add such smarmy lyrics as
"Norman is my only love, Norman's all I'm thinking of, Norman gives me all his lovin', kissin', huggin', lovey-dovin'... to a cheesy, can't-get-it-out-of-your-head melody. Then the so adorable chorus line that I've never stopped getting serenaded with: "Norman, ooh, ooh, ooh..." At least "Cheers" came along with another, less cringeworthy character. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed of my name. However, I am just a bit envious of my younger brothers, David and Daniel, who never have to be subjected to such silly mockery. Mom, Dad! What were you thinking back in 1946? Well, they named me after a prominent physician who was my great uncle, so there's that. Close relatives and a couple of life-long friends have been allowed to call me Normie. Don't quote me on that!As long as the check clears, I'm good. Signed, Norm.
A boring and nerdy name. Thankfully it is not popular at all.
I have a soft spot for this boy name! Norm is so handsome to call a tween and man. For people saying it sounds too close to the word normal, it’s true but my name is Courtney. My nickname is Court and I’ve heard the word but it has never bothered me. So many words are names now anyway. Great strong name!
The name Norman makes me think of a fat old man.
I personally think it is an odd and ugly name.
I named my oldest son Norman Gene in 2013. It is a family name on both sides of our family, and we use family names for all of our children. We call him Normie for short. It's super cute, and fitting for him. I like that although it's not a particularly abstract name, there won't likely be any other "Normies" in his class.
It just sounds too much like "normal".
Norman the Normal. I don't like this name at all. Too many ways people can make fun of this name.
Very old-fashioned, and too similar to 'normal' and 'norm'.
How right you are. It is my name and every time a teacher said "normal" or "normally" I jumped because I thought they were calling on me when if I had been daydreaming.
I like it though it's somewhat old fashioned. The name of my grandpa and uncle, my great-grandparents were Norwegian's living in America so they thought it was a fitting name.
I love this name very much. It's uncommon, old fashioned and has a lot of history. Plus, "Norm" is a good nickname.
I love the name Norman, and would use it. I think of actor Norman Reedus. I also think of Norman Bates from the movie Psycho, which is one of my favorite films.
My dad is named Norman and I think it is a great name. Maybe it would be a bit different these days for a child to be called Norman but I really like the name!

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