Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Pretty name.
My first name is Nubia and I love it so much, it has some magical vibes to me, it feels magical and unique, perfect for a protagonist :3 ♡.
It’s a pretty name. It sounds similar to the word for “cloud”, in Spanish. Anyway, it has a rich, resonant sound, to me.
I love this name because it reminds me of Nubia from "The Roman Mysteries" (great book and TV series).
Makes me think of a slim golden African girl.
I personally really love this name! It makes me think of beauty. It is also the name of a main character in "the Roman Mysteries" children books.
It has “noob” in it. Noob means an inexperienced person.
I know a Lady (in Brazil) who wore the name Nubia. I always thought it ugly for a woman. I had no idea where it came from. I am very surprised to read about it. It is still ugly to me but, at least I know it comes from our ancients.
Tacky and extremely ghetto. This sounds like something Azealia Banks would name her daughter.
It's beautiful. Don't get the ghetto or trashy impression at all. It sounds elegant and regal.
Sounds too much like nubile, which makes it a little awkward to give your daughter.
Personally, I think this is a very pretty name. It puts me in mind of regal Egyptian pharaohs, and the vast quantities of education and intelligence which goes with such a title. I think it is a name which would age well.
I love this name! I think it's got such a unique beauty to it. I couldn't see anyone using this name in the Western world, but I would love to see it used.
Nubia is ugly. It sounds like "newbie".
Sounds like a disease.
Sounds too much like 'newbie'. This is the type of name pretentious people who think Western culture is horrible crap would go for. If anyone would, that is, ha ha!

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