Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I don't see why Oakley is getting so much hate, it's a perfectly fine name. I feel like some people just want to hate on something because it's popular. The only Oakley I've ever met is a maybe 50 year old woman, so I never thought of it as a modern name before. A good name either way, I much prefer it to Oaklee and Oakleigh.
I think it’s cute for a boy nickname Oakes. We probably won’t use it as DH isn’t a fan but I’m surprised to see all of the hate.
Reminder you're naming a human and not a dog.
I like it a lot! It's so much better than Oakleigh or Oaklee.
It sounds lovely, but more like a dog's name.
Its OK, but the "oak" at the start looks kind of ugly. Also reminds me of the word "okay".
This is a very good dog name- it's very pretty :)
This is my name :) I changed it to this when I came out as non-binary, it felt very nice sounding and gender neutral and it just kinda called to me, I've met one other person with this name, they were really cool, I think it sounds very sweet and happy but also strong and unique, call me biased but I changed my name to this for a reason!
I'm thinking of changing my name, and this name is really cute! I love Oakley, you can't go wrong with it, and the nickname Oak is very adorable! It also makes me think of Taytum and Oakley Fisher!
Oh my gosh majority here hates this name, I personally love it!
Oakley’s cute on a little girl but when she enters secondary school this name loses all of its charm. I can’t imagine it on a boy.
I have 2 year old twin girls, their names are Willow and Oakley. Oakley's middle name is Mae.
It's such a pretty name for a girl and a strong name for a boy.
If you like the name but worried about it being too common I've never met another Oakley (England).
Oakley is such a cute name especially if you like nature names!
Great name for a dog, not a human though.
Oakley is such an ugly name that it sounds similar to the word.
Sorry, call me old-fashioned, but I can't handle these modern names. Oakley seems like a very ugly name to me, it doesn't even seem like a name, just a surname and, honestly, with the number of beautiful names in the world, choosing Oakley from among them seems like an unwise decision.
I liked this name, but now that I know family vloggers used it, I definitely won't.
Too trendy.
It doesn't have a very good flow.
This is becoming very popular! I’ve seen so many people name their kids Oakley. Personally, I prefer names with nicknames. I guess you could call them Oakie Dokie or something like that. But you do you- if you like the name Oakley, name your kid Oakley or some other variant.
Cute, though a little childish. This can be unisex.
Can't imagine this on girls.
It sounds very pretty and Nature-ish and perhaps unique to me. Oaks are a type of trees and they symbolize knowledge, morale, strength and in Greek mythology it was a symbol of the powerful god Zeus. So the name has very nice roots and meaning. And the “ley” at the end just adds a little sweetness to the name. So in no way does it have a bad history and it doesn’t sound alien or weird. I like it.
Ugh. I don’t see the appeal!
Way too cutsey and trendy.
I don't see the appeal but prefer it on girls.
Okay for a boy. Absolutely no for a girl!
Ugg, just ugly. I'm sorry. I do not see the appeal!
Please please please don’t do this (or Oakleigh which is even worse) to a poor child. Would the nickname be Oak? Hate this name and would hate being stuck with this name!
This might be cutsey/trendy for a couple of years, but I don’t see this aging well. I would hate to be stuck with this name for life!
It’s different and kinda cute. I like it.
I love Annie Oakley, but not the name Oakley. I don't like it for either gender.
I think it’s very cute and unique name. This is a name I will definitely consider for my future children. Much love!
Really cute. Manly.
It’s cute and unique.
I think this name is pretty. Hardly ANYONE has this name it’s rare and unique and I will recommend this name 98% I am picking a name for my dolls and I found this as a name and I love it.

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