Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is so pretty! It's like the name Ocean but it's a little bit better. I love it!
Very French.
I really like this name, and Ocean as well. I prefer Océane, but Ocean is cool as well. And of course it’s very French, it’s a French word.
I think the name Océane is a beautiful name! >w<
It reminds me of the legit ocean, not surprising, I guess. I like the French version, (oh-say-an) better then the English word ocean, but that’s just my opinion. 10/10 would rate!
Beautiful name, but make sure that your daughter knows to correct people's pronunciation if you live in an English speaking country since they can mispronounce it as Ocean or think it is a typo.
I love this name for girls. I prefer this spelling to Ocean because it seems like less of a word, however that spelling is okay too.
This name is absolutely beautiful!
I honestly cannot put into words how much I love it!I notice that I'm the first person to comment here for 5 years o.o.
It's a really pretty name! At first I really didn't like it, but now it's grown on me. It's very unique! I think it would be better if you were actually French, but if you like it go for it!
Océane IS a French name. I don't know where I heard it, but when I did I thought "Hmm OH-SAY-AN, that sounds pretty". It might be common in France, but I love it.
I like this name so much! It's so beautiful and better than Ocean!
This looks just corny as a name. I doubt it's a traditional French name, as I have never heard of a grown woman with this name. Why don't the French just use real French names instead of vocabulary words or non-French names?
What's wrong with French parents choosing non-French names? That's like saying that you can't call your daughter Leah if your aren't Jewish. It's hypocritical, considering how popular non-English names are in Anglophone countries. Breton names are actually very popular in France at the moment. It is a trend, but there's nothing wrong with it.I really like this name. Océane sounds really different and unique. Even though it is very popular, it stands out from other French names. And it's really pretty sounding. Much nicer than the English Ocean. The pronunciation - o-say-AN - rolls off the tongue.
Oceane is a fantastic name! I love it! I think I would pronounce it O-shay-an though.
This is my name in French class. I chose it out of other more traditional French names, such as Sophie, Brigitte, and Isabelle, because of its uniqueness. The only downside is that I have been rather disliking its French pronunciation, "oh-say-AN"; I would much rather it to be pronounced just like "Ocean". Anyhow, I've been enjoying writing Oceane ___________ on my papers rather than my real name. ;)
It's so pretty. I absolutely adore the pronunciation, and it looks so pretty written out.
One could argue that this is the 'Madison' or 'Taylor' of French girls name: highly common and often used.
I love this name!And no, it is not the French Madison or Taylor as someone else here wrote.It has a very strong nature image so even though it is a bit dated it still sounds nice and wholesome. I would compare it more to Brooke or Skye.It is also not THAT trendy and definitely not a fad-name. It has been in the top 100 for 29 years (1990-2019)! That is a long run. And at the moment it is still in the top 100 (the 2020 list hasn't been released yet).
I love this name. It would also sound nice being pronounced as "O-shae-en".

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