Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Oksana and I love it so much! It's beautiful and flows nicely. I just hate it when people mispronounce it. They either say oak-san-na or ok-s-anna. It's Oksana as in Elsa and Ana not Anna.
I heard this name in the PBS series 'Odd Squad'. It's obvious that this name was only used to fit the 'O' theme of names they use in the series. Doesn't sound all that appealing to me, the name reminds me of okra a little bit.
I have liked the name Oksana ever since I heard it during the Olympics. It has a wonderful sound and should be easy for anyone to pronounce or spell.
I like the name very much. But like many Ukrainian and Russian names, it would be butchered by westerners either from ignorance or malice. I am of Ukrainian and Russian descent and I can understand why they get angry when people keep mangling they name, because that angers me too. Growing up, I came very close to punching a few people who kept mocking me because of my name. I would definitely give a child named Oksana a middle name she could use to spare her the teasing or worse she may run into.

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