Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my name. It's been a difficult name to live with. Many people mispronounce it or misspell it. When I hear it pronounced correctly, it's music to my ears.
I was named after the piece of classical music, "The Dream of Olwen".
Much better then Owen as a girl name. I actually like Olwen for a girl more then Owen for a boy. I like many Welsh names, and this is not an exception.
Olwyn - a lovely name for a strong young girl in the fantasy I am writing. It fits her to a tee. Delicate, attractive yet not weighed down with stunning beauty, smart and resourceful. She will make a strong female character. The interpretation of "the path the moon takes on water" - I plan to make good use of that.
I'm not sure if I like or hate this name. The myth is nice. Problem is, I can't decide whether the name is pretty or ugly. It's kind of both. Not the most feminine, but still sounds and looks rather nice.
An under-appreciated name that could substitute for the pretty but overused Olivia and the dull, stodgy Olive.
While not spectacularly beautiful, it has a subtle charm that's enhanced by its legend, that white clover (I've also heard white lilies) grew wherever she trod.
I had a friend at school named Olwen - she was half-Welsh and as serene and lovely as her name.
This name is quite lovely. I think it has a nice, soft feel to it.
I always loved that story. The girl gets things done herself and through something useful, her smarts, not her looks or any of that rubbish. I've always loved this name too! It is so pretty and delicate, yet at the same time strong. Everyone else hates it but I just can't see why.

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