Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Hi there. Just ran across this site and wanted to add my two cents.PLEASE do not name your child 'Ona' unless you are honoring someone. After almost 70 years of repeating, spelling, repeating and spelling it again (to almost everyone), it is tiresome. Here is the tip of the iceberg. (I will not include all the stuff from elementary through high school). When asked if it's 'short' for something, I tell people, "Yeah, short for Onaugh".
Yes, it may sound Hawaiian, but it's not.
No, I do not know the precise ethnic derivation.
Yes, it is an odd name, but I didn't choose it.So please go with a normal/ordinary name...your child will thank you later in life. (^.^)
Ona. I think it is one of the most BEAUTIFUL names out there. It’s sounds simple and sweet. And mysterious. I love this name and I would name my daughter this if I could rename her. It’s a GORGEOUS name but I know some people don’t like it which really makes no sense, but whatever it’s still such a pretty name!
I prefer Anna "AN-uh".
I have loved this name for years, it has a feeling to it that I don't find in a lot of names.
I named my youngest daughter Ona. I saw the name on a documentary that I was watching and I thought it was old fashioned and unique. Everyone compliments her name. I am not sure if she will ever meet another Ona but that is okay. It is a beautiful and sweet name that fits her perfectly!
I do think this name is pretty and simple, but it sounds and looks like "onna" which means "woman" in Japanese, so I wouldn't use it.
I love the English pronunciation of the name, "O-nuh". Very special but still not too strange.
I very much like this name. I didn't know it was Lithuanian. I like it very much because it's short but strong. When I have a baby girl, I'm definitely calling her "Ona". In Catalonia there ara several "Ona"s.

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