Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Love the name, the meaning and the history. Paloma is wonderful. I wouldn't be surprised if we actually picked this for our baby if we have a daughter. So pretty.
I love Paloma. It was the name of Picasso's daughter and means dove. What's not to love?
My name is Paloma, it means "dove" a symbol of peace. I've always been proud that my name stands for peace, I love my name!
Paloma is such a beautiful name. Very underused here in the UK. I love the meaning of this name and I'm a huge fan of Paloma Faith! :)
This name sounds so exotic and sensual, but at the same time, a very wise name to have. I think it can be super silly, like using the nickname Loma, so I can imagine a girl having this for all ages, It's really cool to me but I don't think it goes well with the other names that I liked.
Paloma usually implies graceful and lithe.It's a very beautiful name.
Very gorgeous. Reminds me of a girl with black hair flowing in the wind and a red dress. I love it.
Sounds very upperclass, which is a good thing in my opinion. Not overly popular either, which is also good.
Unfortunately names that end with -oma remind me of cancers. If it wasn't for that I'd think this name sounded beautiful.
The name is very pretty but I would never name my child this because I live in Croatia and "Paloma" is a corporation which produces toilet paper in Croatia.
Aww what a sweet name! Plus one of my favorite birds is a dove; their soft coo is so sweet. For a best friend, you can call her 'Pal'.
I have a good friend with the name Paloma. I really like this name because it's very uncommon (at least where I live). Her friends call her Paloma~loma~llama. She's told me that she was named after Picasso's daughter, but I don't know if that was really his daughter's name.

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