Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think this name is sweet, and suited to girls. It's also a good reminder that not all girls' names need to end with an 'a'. In our modern world, some may think of this as a masculine name only, but I think it suits a girl well, because of the goddess. I recall having seen several sites claiming the goddess Pax was a boy and that this is a boys' name, and rolling my eyes.
Also, I think Pax and Eirene would be good sibling names, because Eirene is Pax's Greek equivalent.
Don't like it, especially as a given name.
A lot better than Peace. I honestly prefer this on a boy. On a girl it’s okay too. It would definitely be awkward if a boy had the name of a goddess though.
Cute on a girl for a middle name, not sure about a first name though.
Pax is ugly and masculine. Not that I have anything against masculine names, but this one just sounds ugly.
Pax always reminds me of poop. I hate Pax and I think it's a stupid, horrible name.Overall, 0/10.
Just that is better than its stale full form Paxton.
It’s cool how this name was originally feminine, and now it’s unisex besides the first point. I like it for either gender.
Seems a bit borrowed and artificial on a male but I love it on a girl, because the name of a god / goddess should always stay to either male or females.
Sounds cool but reminds me of Paxil. It'd make a great nickname for something like Patrick or Patricia.
I love this name! I think it is better suited for a male, however. :)
Pax is an awesome name for a boy! It sounds masculine just like Max. It has a great meaning too! Peace is what we all strive for in this world.
Sounds very masculine to me. "Pax Roman" would make a really awesome, cheese nom de plume or a sort of overdone character name.
Though it's originally female, I like it as unisex name.
The meaning is beautiful, but the name itself sounds too much like "Pox".
I love this name! It's so interesting and original. I love the meaning and MUCH prefer it over the name Peace.
I think it's a nice, original name with a very pleasant meaning.
I like peace *MUCH* better as a name.

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