Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds like "Pakistan" to me.
Not half as bad as 'Paxman'___yes somebody named their kid that.
I’m sorry, I just don’t like it. I think people should name their children under the consideration that they will in fact be adults one day.
I like these youh-kneeck names because parents give them to their children in an attempt to be original and not name them something common. Little do they know, there are tons of parents who go through the same thought process and name their children the same thing. Eventually, Paxton will be seen as an unoriginal and common name.
This is one of my son's names. We personally love it and have had nothing but compliments from other people. He also likes his name which is probably more important than the opinions of strangers.My boys are Paxton, Orion, and Nolan. My girls are Zoe and Mae.
Awesome name! Sounds cool!
Absolutely vile.
We named our daughter Paxton in 2011 after unknowingly giving our first child a top 5 name, didn't want to do that again. Picked Paxton because it was not common, easy to say and spell and not as gendered, which was important to us. It suits our daughter perfectly, she's tiny with a huge personality, carries this strong name well. I love that her nickname "Pax" means peace, she is the most peaceful person I've ever met, she is my peaceful place "peace-town". It's uncommon for sure, but I'm confident it's a strong name to carry her through adulthood, not just a youthful name. I can't think of any other name that more encapsulates who she is, happier with our choice every year.
Paxton is a great name for a boy and it even works for a girl, although I was surprised to learn it was being used for girls. My son rarely has to repeat his name when introducing himself, anyone with a third grade education can actually spell it, and it's not as common or as easily forgotten
as "Bill" or "George" or "Sue". I've always attributed it to mean "from the peaceful town"... so I can't imagine anyone from Portland naming their kid Paxton... not for a few years anyway. To all the Paxton's reading this: don't let the haters get you down... you're too cool for those fools!
I have a son named Paxton. I named him when I was young. I don't regret the name at all even though it has become trendy in time. He is smart, funny, cool, and popular. He's a nice person which means more to me than anything else in the world. A name doesn't make you who you are and you shouldn't judge someone based on the name they were given. If you do that you may miss out on meeting some great people in the world! People always remember my Paxton, maybe because his name is a little weird or maybe because he's a person worth remembering. Good luck naming kids. If you can't please everyone just go ahead and please yourself. PEACE.
Paxton sounds very harsh, unprofessional, and modern. I can't imagine anyone past the age of 20 with this name. I didn't know people were naming their daughters Paxton. It doesn't have a single speck of femininity in it.
Jaxton, Paxton, Braxton, and the rest of these meaningless and mindless first names are all terrible and deserve to be kicked out of the US top 1000 given names. Jaxton, the false one, is the absolute worst of them all.
Hypocritical, and an absolute disgrace. If the suffix -ton is gotten rid of, the prefix Pax, which means 'peace' in Latin, will stay.
It’s okay on a boy. For a girl it is OOP.
It’s really strange but childish. And the sound is miserable!
Means nothing to us by all means.
Better left as a surname than a given name. Just stick to Pax, as it's derived from the Roman vocab term for peace, over that 'should never have been a given name' Paxton. Enough with the 'YouNeek' nonsense and revert back to traditional names.
Doesn't sound like a girl's name at all. Doesn't matter though because I dislike this name.
I'm sorry but this name is really ugly in my opinion and it's horrible on girls. It's way more tolerable for a boy. Paxton is a type of name best left as a surname. For example, James Oliver Paxton or Sarah Jane Paxton. I can't take Paxton used as a first name very seriously at all. It just doesn't look professional or decent.
Paxton is a cute alternative to similar sounding, more common names (Jackson, Jayden, Jordan, Cameron, etc.). I think it sounds best as a boy name, but could work for a girl, too. Another plus is that pax means peace in Latin.
I know a girl named Paxton and it's a very pretty name, I think!
My name is Paxton and I'm a girl. My parents found my name from Danielle Steel's book Message from Nam, and that character was also a girl. (For all of you who think it's a boys name). I know I'm biased because it's my name but I think it sounds super feminine and sounds weird on a boy. Also, as for it becoming "common" I have yet to meet someone with the same name, boy or girl. :) Anyways, I love my name.
The name Paxton does not inspire me. It seems flat and humdrum.
First of all, all of you people that say Paxton is not a girls name make me laugh! Why? Because baby center or some stupid book in the book store or online says Paxton is a boys name, means it's a boys name? Ignorant comments for you to make. My daughters' name is Paxton and we get compliments everywhere we go. This isn't 1920 where you have to name your son Michael and your daughter Jennifer. Get with the times sweetie!
I also named my daughter after Paxton (the heroine) of the Danielle Steel novel Message from Nam. My wife and I had the name picked out in 1997 when we listened to the book on audio on a cross country trip. Paxton Andrews is a red headed and blue eyed strong willed lady. Our daughter matched her perfectly. Red haired, blue eyed and strong willed. We could not have picked a more beautiful name
Well, I won't kid you at all. I named my daughter back in 1996. I loved the name Paxton and she was going to be Paxton girl or boy. I got the name out of a Danielle steel book where the character was named Paxton Andrews. A female lead. They called her Paxi and Pax. I think it's a great name and we don't know any Paxton females where we live. There is one boy who is much younger named Paxton. I think it's def a cute name for a girl!
I love this name for a boy. I don't think it would suit all boys like names for example Michael or James but Paxton is definitely a nice name. I think of a nice well mannered boy who is fun and just really sweet.
My son's name is Paxton and it fits him! His daddy named him after the supercharger engines. Definitely a name best suited for a boy!
It sounds more like a surname to me, but it's not atrocious as a first name. It sounds like the name of a rather fun young guy, but it's not some type of name of an obnoxious frat boy type like Baxter, Dexter, Corey, Skylar, and such. Not one of my favorites, but okay. It isn't totally infantile on older men either.
I actually love the name Paxton, but you have got to be kidding me about using it on a girl. Why must these "youkneek" parents keep using BOY names on girls? There's plenty of uncommon and interesting girl names to choose from, leave the boy names alone! If you're going to name your girl Paxton then you might as well name your son Elisabeth in my opinion.
Paxton is a unisex name but it really is a masculine name. Sadly it seems that whenever people think that a boy name looks good on a girl it automatically becomes unisex. It is rubbish in my opinion. There are so many girls names out there. Don't keep using boy names on girls. It is quite dumb in my opinion. It is not original or creative to do so. It really is equal to naming your little girl Thomas or Harold. You may not think so but the rest of us do. But the masculine name Paxton is very nice and I quite like it.
Girl? How come when parent thinks they are being original half the others name their kid this. By 2010 I reckon it'll be top of the popularity charts in the US, and possibly the UK. American name trends tend to catch on here pretty quickly. Shame, the name no longer is unique and destroys the whole point of the trend, if you see what I mean. Paxton will no longer as be as unique. Jessica anyone?
Paxton is a great name for a girl. My daughter's name is Paxton and it suits her so well.
I know a girl named Paxton... but I don't think it's a very good name for a girl.

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