Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Pedro is a handsome name with a distinguished past in the Spanish speaking world. A++
Ugly name, don't name your child this if they don't have Spanish heritage it would just be ridiculous.
The name is sorta overused, but it’s a very classical name and can work well as a first or middle name.
While this name is quite common in the Hispanic world, I see nothing wrong with it and find that it suits pretty much anyone who desires to distinguish themselves with it.
Extremely unsophisticated name, yet more dated and bland.
I love the name Pedro although it's kind of overused. It sounds handsome and fits men of all ages.
When I hear that name, I think of Pedro Pony from Peppa Pig, which I think is a nice association.
I'm Brazilian and I think this is kind of overused. But I still like it, since it was my grandfather's name, and is my little brother's.
I think this name has a far greater sound that I find pleasant and elegant. It is a distinguished forename that, although popular in the Spanish speaking world, can effectively be introduced anywhere as it does not require further verification on how to spell nor write it since it is simple. A definite charm of a name variant for Peter.
I loathe this name more than any words could ever explain. It's cheap, horrible, ugly and unattractive.
I absolutely love this name. This guy in my school that likes me is named Pedro. Extremely handsome name.
I don't mind this name, however my only problem is that it reminds me of "Pedo" & "Pedophile" and any other associated words. You take out the R and yeah, it may get said as "Pay-do" but it is also an English word. A very bad one at that.
I don't like this name very much, but it is sooo popular in Brazil.
People with the name Pedro are kind, handsome, and possess talent (music?). Also, they never give up.
I wouldn't use it as a first name in the U.S. because it's too connected/associated with the movie Napoleon Dynamite.
I LOVE this name! It's extremely sophisticated!

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