Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds quite feminine! I like it. But is it pronounced like "Purse" or "Percy"?
Percy sounds very feminine to me! I absolutely love Percy for a girl, not a boy. Percy sounds cute as a nickname for Persephone or Percivala, but it would also sound cute as a legal name, too. Percy is so soft sounding. Percy doesn’t sound masculine enough to age well on a boy, but that’s just my personal opinion. But I still think Percy is okay for a boy, I’ll admit. Sorry I tried to take a traditional boy name and make it girl name only. You think James sounds cute on a girl, but Percy rhymes with Casey so both names are strictly feminine and less masculine to me! Personally, I would name a girl this but not a boy! A good middle name for Percy (girl) would be Josephine or Olivia since I understand Percy is traditionally masculine.
I wish that every proud mother or father who has a son named Perce, would know what every Finnish person first thinks when they see this name.
Oh, what a naughty name! I'm blushing here. The anonymous user is right - the name Perce just makes Finns and maybe some others, too, think something, that doesn't suit anyone as a name. Well, at least it's spelled with 'c' instead of 's'.

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