Comments (Personal Impression Only)

If I had a pet platypus or something I would name them Perry.
I agree with some comments below, Perry or Perrie would be a nice name for a girl. It rhymes with Kerry, Kelly etc. So I don't see a problem there. I also think it's nice and uncommon enough for a girl, so it would stand out in a positive way.
I also think Perry would make a great girl’s name. I like the name for a boy too, but boys should be generous enough to share any masculine name that belongs to them with the beautifully defenseless ladies that need some strong, protective men in their delicate lives, while we hypocritically forbid them to use any of our classy, beautiful, traditional non-unisex feminine names for their masculine gender.
I don't understand why people are so against Perry for a girl. It rhymes with Carrie, Mary, Terry, and Sherry which are all common names for women. I think it would be great on a girl.
I like this name and Perry the Platypus.
Perry is a wonderful sounding name. Certainly not a name you hear used much. I can only think of it as a man's name though. It has a certain masculine majesty about it.
Perry is popular in our family (men only) as both a first name and middle name depending on the generation. I love the name and would never consider it for a girl. It is the middle name of one nephew and the first name of another, first name of my brother, middle name of my dad and grandfather, and first name of my great grandfather, and so forth. I think it is a great strong, distinguished name. Also, there is an American actor named Perry King, he had his own detective series on TV and made a number of movies.
I love Perry for a girl! So beautiful and elegant, and quite spunky! I understand it’s supposed to be masculine, but it rhymes with Marie. I’m so used to this name being masculine but I want to lean towards the feminine side too! If I ever had a girl, I’d name her Perry Marie because the rhyming-pair suits a girl perfectly! I think it’s better for a girl more than a boy in this day and age. Don’t get me wrong though! I love Perry for a boy too, but if I give him a feminine name as of 2018, what are the chances he’ll get mocked? I think this name should say Masculine & Feminine.
You come across as being VERY arrogant and naive. (Evidence not just in your comment regarding this name but some others as well, resulting in a dramatic eye roll)
The reason why the name 'Perry' is supposed to seem masculine is because IT IS! Your argument for it being 'feminine'- because it rhymes with a girl's name- is invalid. There are many names that rhyme and that doesn't make them any less masculine. Or, feminine depending on the name. Oh and by the way, Marie doesn't even rhyme with Perry! Sure, it might if you lived in France or spoke some dialect of fluent French but I highly doubt that's your case here.
If a boy given this name were to be mocked, trust me it wouldn't be because of the gender usage.
Perry is a great man's name as historically used in my family as a middle name for several generations, but I also like it as a first name. It is unique and refreshing even though it is an old name. I suppose it is equally nice as a girl's name.
Perry the Platypus has not ruined the name because Agent P is awesome! Plus, Phineas & Ferb has been off air for a while now, but it was the best modern cartoon anyway. Perry is a family surname for me that I am using for my third son who is due in a few months, and my older sons love the Perry the Platypus association. Scooby-dooby-doowah A-gent P!
Okay name, but that goddamn platypus has ruined this name for me, and that's why I won't use it myself.
I would like to withdraw the previous statement that I have made earlier. As it turns out... Perry the Platypus is awesome! But I have to admit... I'm not sure if I'd use this name (or as a first name at least). On the other hand, the connotation's cool! But I'm not sure if by the 2030s or 2040s it will stick around. But Perry's a cool name nonetheless!
My hyphenated name is Perry although I don't particularly like it and wish I could change it.
One of my best friends is named Perry, and she's a girl. I love this name, and in fact, I've only ever seen it for girls, which is odd, considering that this says it is a mainly masculine name.
I love this name on a girl. I had a best friend named Perry, and she was the sweetest person I ever met, and she had a lovely voice. When I looked it up online, I was shocked to see it was a boy name. I think Perry has feminine grace and lacks masculine strength.
Decent name. I hope it doesn't become feminine because of that dopey Perrie Edwards.
I can't take this name seriously, and I don't think your child's peers would either, what with the Perry the platypus and Katy Perry references that are bound to happen.
I would have to disagree with your comment, because...1. Katy Perry is actually a very decent songwriter! Plus, she's not as popular now as she was 10 years ago.
2. Perry the Platypus is awesome! Everyone loves Agent P! (Well, almost everyone. But my point is, everyone would love the association.)
I cannot imagine a girl being named Perry. That's like a boy being named Sarah. It just doesn't work. I have only known one Perry and he was awesome so I guess I'm ok with the name. I don't really like it or hate it.
I don't like Perry as a name at all, but I've heard of a girl named Perry Katherine and that always sounded cute to me. Otherwise, best as a last name.
I love Perry as a nickname, and would use it for Percival or Peregrine.
I love the name. I think I like it better on guys. But girls would be okay to, I guess.
I know a girl named Perry. I thought it was a little weird at first, but I think it really fits her. I don't think I'd ever name a girl Perry, though.

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