Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A very strong, ferocious, and eccentric name for a boy... It's wonderful! I love the meaning as well.
The name Perseus sounds like a strong name for a boy. I want to use Percy as a cute nickname! I love the double S sound in the name, it makes it sound gentle while still being handsome! I’m totally naming one of my sons this! Who cares what some people say about this name not being pleasant, hello! This name is pleasant in my opinion and I’m using it. I want to use the name Theseus as maybe a close second. Because that one also sounds strong for a boy’s name.
I love this name because of Percy Jackson and the Greek hero Perseus. It seems very strong and masculine while also being soft (the double 's' sound) and gentle. It's unusual but recognizable and easy to pronounce, and I love the nickname Percy (the similarity to the word 'purse' doesn't bother me; I don't find it pompous or snobbish at all). This is one of my top boys' names and I would definitely name a son this, if I ever have one.
I find this to be a very strong name. It’s on my list for my children’s names. Many nice nicknames can be drawn from this name as well. I think it is a masculine, powerful name, and a name that should be brought to light more often.
I really love this name. It's really great and I think Percy would be a cute nickname, or maybe the nickname Perce.
In Greek mythology Perseus was the only hero to have a happy ending. I love some of the other hero's names', but for a namesake to have had a happy ending swings this name for me. I would seriously consider it in my top ten boys names.
I liked the Greek myth, but the name itself isn't all that pleasant. The meaning isn't exactly great, and it sounds close to the snobby-sounding Percy.
I love this name! I named my iPod after it. Perseus was a great hero who not only slayed Medusa, but saved the princess Andromeda from a sea monster. Her parents had chained her to a rock in the ocean for a sacrifice and Perseus, who was flying over, froze the sea monster with Medusa's head.
Sorry, I just can't take this name seriously. The Finnish word for 'ass' is 'perse', and this name cracks me up for that reason. Besides, it is quite a pompous name to use on a child, isn't it?

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