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Rick Riordan's "The Lightning Thief" was only the first in a series of very popular books featuring the character Perseus (Percy) Jackson. Perseus was almost nonexistent as a name for real boys in the USA before that book, but it started regularly appearing on the SSA lists that give all names with five or more births in 2008, three years after the first book was published. The name took upward jumps in use just after the two films based on the series came out in 2010 and 2013, and 2018 began another upward surge, about the time when people who read the first books as children would start having their own kids. There were 103 boys named Perseus born in the USA in 2019, and if the name continues its steady increase it will be among the top 1000 names for American boys by 2030. If the TV series based on Riordan's books comes out soon, as is planned by Disney+, that will make the name even more likely to increase.

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