Comments (Personal Impression Only)

When I hear the name Pete, all I can think of is a bald grumpy fat guy in his 50s. Just name your kid Peter otherwise they would probably get bullied at school for it.
My name is Peter but I get called Pete quite a lot by work colleagues. I am fine with either name but I always introduce myself as Peter whenever I meet new people.
This is honestly one of my least favorite names ever. Let's just stick with Peter, okay?
I actually prefer Peter over this. I guess this could be used as a diminutive, but I don't really like it as a full name. However, I am NOT saying I dislike it.
What is this? I don't like this as a full name. Nickname for Peter, alright, but not as a full name, because it's just not nice, sounds like a sound is missing, just dry and pure boring.
Actually, It's an okay name, but I like Peter better.
I don't like it. Pete the Cat makes it worse. Also, I prefer Peter.
I must say I prefer Peter a lot more. Pete makes me think of an old man but Peter could easily be a child. Pete also makes me think of the material peat. Peter is much better.
This name always makes me think of a middle-aged guy. Peter sounds better and is more timeless.
I find this name far too boring. I like simple names like Leigh or Rae but this name just seems dated and really boring. Sorry if you love this name but I hate it.
I prefer this over Peter.
The name Pete was given to 63 baby boys born in the US in 2012.

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