Comments (Meaning / History Only)

Plumeria flowers are meaningful in the many, geographically dispersed lands in which they grow.
It can be seen as a symbol of perfection and grace-- referring to the unusually smooth and geometrically perfect flower formation.
It is also a strongly spiritual plant in Asia, where some cultures view it as a vessel for the spirits of the dead. Hindus and Buddhists view it as a symbol of the soul's continuation after death. It can be seen in graveyards for this reason.
In Hawai'i it's a flower of welcoming, and used to create Leis, which are garlands worn around the neck.
It is famous for it's inundating, captivating scent that is often imitated, although nothing compares to the natural fragrance of the real flower itself.
This flower is an absolute gem of the botanical realm.

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