Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Well, my name is now Polina and I love it. It used to be Pola, but not only was it a Polish name, it also sounded like the word Poland. I am half Polish, but I don't like how my dad was trying to cover up the Belarusian roots of our family not only by discouraging my mom from giving me and my siblings a Polish last name, but also naming me that. So I changed it to Polina. I feel way more comfortable with this name. I just couldn't be myself as Pola. This name just sounds more adult, less childish. It also looks cool written in Russian cursive!
It’s interesting how I always thought Polly was a short form of this name, but in looking up both names here I guess I was wrong. But I do like it. Deserves more usage than it gets, I think.
Meh. Prefer Paulina. The "o" makes me uncomfortable.
Very pretty. Lina is a good nickname!
I think that it seems a sweet, calm and modest name perhaps because of the -ina ending.I like both Polina and Pola. They have a better sound than Paola or Paula.I think that Polina is as pretty as Pauline.Then I love that it could be the short form of a sophisticated name such Apollinariya.
I find this name to be fetchingly alluring... Unfortunately, it is a hard name by it's lonesome. Meaning: A broader, more professional first name should the the base of this diminutive. I see many possibilities-- including the suggested "Apollinariya" (located on this name's homepage). Very elegant, yet lacks the unintelligent, delicate 'overly feminine' sense of select titles, thankfully.
Just be aware that Russian and Bulgarian names are unthinkably ethnic... I would only recommend names from those cultures if you possess a strong heritage originating there, and hold a surname to pair.
I have a friend and her name is Polina and she is not small ( that's what the meanings on internet say)! I think it means Posh!
My name is Polina. I used to hate it, but now I like it.

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