Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I want to like it, because I think it's sort of interesting. The issue is it reminds me of some kind of ointment or medication or a rashy infection. "ooh, that's a nasty sore, better put some Pollux on that!", or "school's out, there's a bad case of Pollux going around!".
Apart from that, the name is not too common and not too bad.
I really like this name, I’m a trans guy and am planning on using this name I think since it’s so cool! Very unique but also very very cool! Makes me think of someone very well liked but not necessarily hugely popular. Just my personal opinion though! :)
Weird, yet cool, unusual name!
While I'd never use this name on someone in real life, I can't help but like it.
Makes me think of a plaster company.
Chicken is "Pollo" in Spanish and "Poulet" in French, that's why it reminds some people of chicken. It's pretty but sounds too much like "pollution" to me. Not for a child, but maybe a book character?
It sounds like bollocks!
Think people think. What does it sound like?
Pollux is a really odd name but for some reason I don't hate it.
This makes me think of chicken pox, and pollution. If not for that, I'd really like this name.
For some strange reason, this name always makes me think of chicken. I have absolutely no idea why.

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