Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Love the rich history here...
Mix between poly and carp. Lots of food.
Love my name.
Many fish.
No matter what this name actually means, all people will hear is 'Many Fish'.
There is no record in the entire world of someone having this name in history. You just wanna laugh when you hear it. And I'm sure if there was a person with this name and anyone would meet, they would laugh in that unfortunate person's face.
Though I find it highly unlikely it should happen, god save any (English-speaking) child whose parents should deign to curse them with this name.
What kind of name is this? Why is this even a name and where the heck did it come from?
I know this isn't the meaning, but it looks like it means "many carp".
Polycarp is a noble and beautiful name.
I'm sure this was a perfectly beautiful name in Ancient Greek. However, I can't help but look at it and see "Holy crap".
That's exactly what I saw! ;-) Sorry, but I can't picture a person--or a character--with this name.
I really can't stop laughing. I'm trying but it's not working. I just keep picturing one of those annoying parrots who says embarrassing things.
So sorry to the people who like this name, but it sounds like a fish, or many fish, depending on your interpretation.

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