Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I clicked on this knowing people would immediately think about the car. But in my personal opinion it is a really pretty name. That may just be me though.
Like all brand names, this name is incredibly tacky.
Tremendously pretty.
I just think of the car brand. Go with Portia.
Sounds very snobby.
My aunt had a cat named Porsche. I like it a lot. It sounds refined and beautiful. I might not name a kid Porsche, but I would name a cat Porsche.
No one who could afford a Porsche would name their daughter "Porsche."
... and her sisters, Ferrari, Mercedes, Acura, Lexus, and Britney-Marie-Wilhelmina (BMW)
Porsche is really a bad name for a girl. I first thought it would be a name for a boy. Anyway I think every German would laugh about this name because in Germany Porsche is a family name (and yes, of course, the name of a luxurious car).
This is as bad as naming your kid Lexus. Honestly, just use Portia.
This is a car, not a name.
I hate this name. Why do people name their daughters after cars? What's next, Honda or Toyota?
Car names are always used by people who could never afford them anyway. It's very tacky. So, I wouldn't say that the kid was clearly named after the place she was conceived in, as there's no way such people had a Porsche, or got a ride in one.
Please tell me that nobody is actually called this!
I love the name Portia, but I hate this spelling. Porsche is a car, not a child.
This is not a name. This is a car.
I think Portia looks classy (the Shakespearian association) but not Porsche. Porsche just makes me think of a car.

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