Comments (Personal Impression Only)

To me (native speaker of German) Prosper sounds like the name of a coal mine or a ship. Prosper-Haniel is the name of the last active coal mine in the Ruhr area.
I'm not quite sure why, but when I first saw this name, I assumed it was a girls' name. It has quite a... I don't know, quite a soft sound to it that makes it seem less masculine. That's not to say that I don't like it on a boy; I do. But I actually love it as a girls' name, though I know several people think of that as some sort of heinous crime.
"Live long and Prosper", the famous line from Star Trek, was my first thought. I think this name is very cool, but I can't stop thinking about Spock giving the Vulcan salute. Http://
I adore Prosper. It strikes me as very wholesome and simple, yet strong and beautiful. I think someone called Prosper would be a trustworthy person, and that it could work on females as well as males, as it's a verb and word names always strike me as multisex.
Prosper is a verb. I don't think it's really something that ought to be used as a name. I'd rather use Prospero.

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