Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Like the sound a pigeon makes.
I had/have a friend called Prue. I've always thought it sounded like, well poo. Or a prune. Kinda weird. Only fits specific people. Was good on my friend though.
Reminds me of Prissy. Prissy Prue.
Such a cute name! But, I'm kinda torn; I feel like this is more of a nickname, and I would want a longer version for e.g professional situations. I'm not a fan at ALL of the longer versions; Prudence has an ishy meaning, Prunella? Really? PRUNElla? I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to give it a really hard pass.
I would never use this as a nickname, it sounds mean.
My daughter's name is Prue, not shortened from anything at all. It is short and sweet and not very common. I have not met a Prue anywhere near my daughter in age. I have heard of others much older than her, she's 13 now. Her full name is Prue Alice. My dad used to call her Prudle or noodle. When she was a baby I would call her 'Prue Bear' like 'Pooh Bear'.
Reminds me of a prune. Who wants to give their daughter a nickname that depicts "prune," or otherwise suggests that "Prune" truly IS her given first name.
Major turn off.
It's such a sweet name. It is very feminine.

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