Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Honestly I thought I was the only one with this name up until I met a kid in 1st grade who was also named Ramsey. My mother told me she named me after the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II. Recently I learned that the name comes from Scotland, but that’s about it. I do hear everyone say that it’s unique and beautiful. That quickly changed once “Hell’s Kitchen” aired and Game of Thrones introduced the female character with this name. Now I’m either Chef Gordon Ramsay or Game of Thrones chick. Nonetheless I love my name, even if it’ll never show up on souvenir mugs or keychains.
Should stay as a surname.
More cute than it is credible, in my opinion.
Gorgeous handsome name for a boy! Love it!
Actually, this is my name so I have some odd feelings toward it. I've never been particularly fond of it but I have no loathing towards it either. When I was younger, I had a slight aversion to my name but it was likely for a very childish reason since I can't even remember why any more.
Growing up with this name, I've hardly been picked on much, and never for the name I was given, so I don't think any parents would have problems with that! More than anything, I've had people remark about how unusual it is, but not in a bad way. The worst thing anyone's ever said about my name is that I have two last names.
I really love the name Ramsey. I think it is incredibly insane that people want to change it into a girl's name. Ashley, Tracey, Stacy, Morgan, Taylor, etcetera are already girls' names, so use them instead of changing more good boys' names into girls' names!What's wrong with boys having uncommon names? *rolls my eyes*
I would prefer this name for a boy but I have seen it used for girls.

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