Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I just adore this name on a girl! It's unusual.
Unfortunately, this name is heavily associated with Regis Philbin. And it is a rather ugly name and sounds kind of trashy.
This is a name for adults who can use it to their advantage. It can be a real burden for a child. I know first hand. At least now most Americans can pronounce it thanks to Regis Philbin.Many American Catholic children of Irish descent were given the name because Jesuit high schools or other Catholic institutions in the neighborhood or city were named St. Regis. These people all thought it was a "good Irish name." Even today that is the belief of well-educated Irish Americans. Imagine when I learned at age 31 from a visiting Irishman that he never heard of the name.I have been to France and seen it used. A famous French theorist of revolution is Regis DuBray. I have been to Ireland and never seen it.
Nice name, but sad.

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