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The ignorant comments about sex/gender in this thread actually make me quite happy in a strange way, as we’re using this name for our child who will be raised gender neutral until they tell us how they identify. Why does that make me happy? They affirm there are a lot of hateful people with ignorant opinions about sex and gender (that is why we feel the need to take it out of the equation during their early years when they will be most susceptible to indoctrination re: gender) which in itself does not not make me happy of course, but these comments also affirm to me we are making the right choice for our child when there are adults who would tell them their name isn’t okay for them because of their sex or gender. You can’t make harmful comments about whether it’s the right name for my kid or not based on their sex (or say anything else is right or not for them based on their sex) if you don’t know my baby/toddler’s sex. :) P.S. my husband is first generation Canadian and my child’s French grandfather couldn’t care less about it being Anglicised or used for girls. Many French people actually make fun of non-French Francophiles as pretentious, FYI. Also, I would have no problem with someone naming their son Gisele, Angelique, Jessica or any other name originally used for girls.
When people say this name is “trash for a girl” or “strictly masculine” and so forth, this discloses any other culture where this name is feminine. While Rèmi and Rèmy are male French names, they are also found in other cultures as both male and female. Remi is a Japanese girl’s name, as a combination of re (heavens) and mi (beauty, pupil). It can also be an English form of the Japanese name Rumi, which is also the name of a famous philosopher. It’s a beautiful unisex name.
The name Remy was given to 394 girls born in the US in 2016.
Again, Americans blatantly show their ignorance about foreign cultures and languages. Sure, go ahead and name your girl Remy, and watch every French speaker look at you with disdain. Seriously, it doesn't matter how feminine you think it sounds, it's a hundreds-of-years-old boy's name in France. Just completely culturally insensitive.
Could be used as a nickname for Jeremy since Remy would be said as "Rəh-mee" in certain places such as the states.
Remy/Remi is a French name..Remi - is supposed to be for a girl
Remy - is supposed to be for a boy.I am Remy and I am a female..At birth my mother had decided to spell it "Remi" but when everyone met me they said "what a lovely name.. is it R.e.m. y"
So my mum decided to change it to Remy to avoid confusion.Fighting over what gender the name is supposed to be for is ridiculous. I get over 50 compliments a year on my name and would not change it for anything.
Remy is both a feminine and masculine name, maybe you have only heard of on sex being named it but it is a unisex name, don't add a gender to it. I chose Remy as a name because it is unisex and I am a non-binary gender. Personally I love this name, all spelling and pronunciation differences of it.
My name is Remy.
I am a girl, but I think people can name their children whatever they'd like. But it is rather rude to call it "ridiculous" or "weird" as a girls name even if you prefer it for a boy. If you want to name your girl or boy Remy, I say go for it! It's a great name for boys and girls. But people who don't even know any "Remy's" shouldn't tell me that my name was meant for a boy. I love my name. It did not become my name so some people I've never even met can tell me it was meant for a boy! No one has the right to tell me that my name is not meant for girls because if it wasn't, then my name would be something else. So in conclusion all that I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't criticize other people's names for your own amusement. -Remy.
My son's nicknamed Remy. His given name is Jeremy, but he is a junior. I am a Francophile and loved the idea of a French name. 100% agree that Remy is a boy's name. We know one other Remy who is short for Remington.
I'm a girl, my name is Remy. It can be a boys name. Even though I prefer it for a girl, it isn't bad for a boy.
I'm an American expat living in France and my son's name is Rémy. It is most definitely a boys name. I've never met a girl in France named Remy.
The name Rémy has been relatively consistent in popularity in France, reaching its peak in the 90's.
Remy is a boy's name, period. Ask any French person what kind name Remy is, and they'll say it's a boy's name. Sorry girls. ;o.
Yes, you are quite right. In Sarah Dessen's book 'This Lullaby' the main character is called Remy, and she most certainly is a female.
My cousin is named Remy, and she is a girl, so this name can also be feminine and without the accent aigu.

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