Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I know a Reuben who goes by Ruby.
He's such a gentleman and helps everyone around him.
Cute! Reuben is a good name for a redhaired boy/animal!
I think the first "e" looks unnecessary.
I like this name a lot. It's cute and the meaning is nice. Makes me think of the sandwich but I still love the name.
When I hear the name, it makes me think of the color red (the exact opposite of everyone else here). That may be because it begins in 're' and I highly associate 'b' with red.
Besides that, I (like most other people) relate this name with a generally nice person.
I also immediately think of Reuben the Pig from Minecraft Story Mode, and that isn't a bad thing because everyone likes Reuben :)
Very overused in England in 2021.
Cute and simple.
My name is Reuben. I really love it. When I was younger it was quite strange because no one else I knew had a similar name. But now I love it. I am named after J. Reuben Clark from the law school at BYU. Everyone who I meet loves the name too, it’s a wonderful name. The only negative, is that whenever I go through the drive through and they ask for my name, for whatever reason they can never understand what I am saying. Once, a girl spelled my name as “Ribbit”, which was quite humiliating, lol.
Reuben sounds cool, gentle and classy (yet humble at the same time). Every time I hear this name, all I can picture is a nice guy. Other than that, it also makes me think of the colour blue.
However, one of my friends said that Reuben was like a weak, lame and pathetic guy who deserved to be bullied and picked on. I hate that opinion. He was being very rude and sadistic.
Reuben sounds cool, gentle and classy (yet humble at the same time). Every time I hear this name, all I can picture is a nice guy.
Other than that, it also makes me think of the colour blue.However, one of my friends said that Reuben was like a weak, lame and pathetic guy who deserved to be bullied and picked on. I hate that opinion. He was being very rude and sadistic.
My name is Reuben, born 1955 in the cotton belt of Mo. Moved to a small town in IL right before school started. In school there were about 100 kids per class and I was the only Reuben. Was always self conscience of the name because it wasn't common. Went through the typical kids songs of Reuben Reuben I've been thinking & etc, and a couple others. I guess I was fortunate to be tall so no one really picked on me. And thanks to Kenny Rogers I dealt with Reuben Jane (s/b James) for a while. I go by the name Ben (a good friend started calling me that in my late teens and I like it) I still feel really awkward when I have introduce myself as Reuben or when someone calls me by that name especially around others. I've thought many times about getting it legally changed to Ben,and I still might. I know people like to give their children unique names but please remember that child has to be the one to either enjoy it or cope with it. I do respect that my parents gave me that name because it is Biblical.
I think the new version, Ruben, is much better. No offense to this original.
It's not bad but I don't really like the spelling. It looks like a name for a disease to me.
I like this name, it reminds me of art and literature.
This is literally one of the best names ever. So classy but still down-to-earth.
My brother's name is Ruben, we are Dutch and use the diminutive "Ruub" sometimes. I personally think that it is funny that the name simply means "oh look, it's a son!"
My brothers name is Reuben and everyone I know calls him "ruebes". Apart from that, I don't hear it around much.
The name Reuben is quirky, cute and handsome! This name should be used a whole lot more! :D.
Love it! I think it's a cute and yet grown up name, it isn't very popular, and most people these days have no idea what a Reuben sandwich or a rube is. Besides, a good personality is all you need to deflect any teasing stemming from a name. :)
Would definitely name a son this, except I'm only in middle school and not planning to have kids any time soon.
Don't like it. Sounds like a "rube", unsophisticated country bumpkin.
All I can think of is a Reuben sandwich. Don't like it.
Reuben can also be shortened to Ben, which is a little more modern, and teenage friendly.
I used to have this name on my favourites list, but as my favourites change nearly every day it's been pushed off. :D But I still think it's a really cute name, spelt either Reuben or Ruben.
This name is so cute!
My son is going to be called Reuben. The name can be shortened to Reubs. A character in Annie Dalton's Agent Angel series is called Reuben who is a pure angel and a total sweetie who is a fab dj!
This is my name and I like it because of that but the irritating thing is people always spell it either Ruben or Rueben, I hate it when they do that. I find it really insulting.

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