Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Romeo Bernotti (Marciana Marina, 24 February 1877 – Rome, 19 March 1974) was an Italian admiral. Along with Admirals Giuseppe Fioravanzo and Oscar Di Giamberardino, he was considered one of the main "intellectuals" of the Royal Italian Navy during the interwar years. He was also a member of the Italian Senate.
Romeo Gigli (born 1949) is an Italian fashion designer who was described in the late 1980s as singlehandedly changing the course of fashion by the Los Angeles Times. Shortly before his Paris debut in 1989, Vogue had declared that Gigli was the: “leading force in a new generation of designers proclaiming a different fashion sensibility".
I never think of Romeo and Juliet. I always think of Romeo Santos.
Roadside Romeo is the name of an Indian Disney movie as well as the main protagonist in said movie.
Roméo Dallaire is a Canadian general, bestselling author, public speaker and retired senator.
He is famous for his book: “Shake Hands with the Devil”. The book chronicles the fateful months of Dallaire's tour as Force Commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) in 1993-1994, during which he witnessed the 1994 Rwandan Genocide.
Roméo Antoniazzi was an Italian violin maker from Cremona.
Alpha Romeo is a famous Italian sports car manufacturer. I'm including this reference to point out that the correct Italian pronunciation IS roh-MAY-oh and not, ROH-mee-oh. No self-respecting car buff says, ahl-fah ROH-mee-oh!
Romeo is a popular Shakespearian character.
Jon Bon Jovi and his wife Dorthea named their song Romeo Jon.
Rapper Master P's son is named Romeo (lil' Romeo).
David and Victoria Beckham's middle son is named Romeo.

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