Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I worked with a guy named Royce who was named after his uncle. I think that it's a cool name. I really don't care for on a girl though.
I love the name Royce. It sounds strong and cool, and it has a beautiful meaning. I also think it ages well, and I love the nickname “Roy”.
The most royal name out there. But can't deny such a magnificent nice name with a lit meaning it is.
Unusual, and not very common, at least where I live! It's lovely!
Royce and Joyce would be great twin names!
Royce is an awesome name for a boy. I don't think so on a girl though. The only down side is that every Royce I know is a brat. But that is from the way their families raised them not their names' fault.
The name Royce was actually given to 44 baby girls born in the US in 2012. I love this name for a boy, but not so much for a girl.
I love this name! I also think it's funny how it rose so much in popularity after a certain movie that came out in 2010 had a character named Royce.
The "-yce" in this name makes it sound so cool. Wish it was more popular.
I kind of like this name... I don't know why. It sounds really old fashioned but it's a nice alternative to Roy.
This is my Daddy's middle name. When I was little I thought it was funny, but I kind of like it now.
Interesting name.

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