Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I honestly really like the name Rudolph. I think it's cute, especially with Rudy as a nickname. It's perfect for a winter baby, and although I think it ages well, it would be especially adorable on a little boy.
Overall, I think this a really sweet name.
If your name is Rudolph, you should take great pride in your name because it's awesome, and so are you.
I can only think of Rudy Giuliani, the Nazi Rudolph Hess, and the Red-Nosed Reindeer when I hear this name. But at least the reindeer isn't as bad as Giuliani or Hess. Rudolph Hess is the reason this name is a big no-no in my family.
Rudolph is not a funny name of a reindeer. It is an ancient Germanic name meaning "famous wolf" and it has been around for centuries and has been borne by many important historical figures including many kings, noblemen and military leaders. People need to stop with this association. There is nothing funny about this name. People named Rudolph should be proud.
Lol child will get so many reindeer jokes.
I utterly adore this name! I love everything about it! I will name my child Rudolph if it's a boy. However, the association with the Christmas story does bring prejudice against the name, but nothing too heinous!
This name in and of itself is ok, but was ABSOLUTELY RUINED by the disgusting man Rudolph Hess. If you don't know who he is, he was one of the most EVIL Nazis ever to exist.
I like this name a lot, I personally think it's a good name, even though it's heavily associated with the Christmas character. But it still makes a nice and refreshing boys name today :)
Well, as the song goes, "all the other reindeer USED TO laugh and call him names"... because now, Rudolph has got all their heads stuffed and mounted on his living room wall.Once you are an adult, nobody makes jokes about the name anymore (kids make fun of EVERY name). The only REAL problem is that if you are attempting to renew your drivers license or any other official documents around Christmas, nobody believes that you are giving them your real name.
I have a sister who's name is Rudolph. She is 21 years of age and never once been made fun of because of her name being what it is, even if it's more commonly used on the male population. She has been teased (not in mockery or patronizing) by close friends and family near the Holidays and was always given fake Christmas antlers to wear - and she loves it, still to this day! She loves her name. We call her Rudy for short.
Name a son Rudolph nowadays and the poor kid would hate Christmas forever.
Well, at least it isn't Adolph, which would remind people of Hitler, but Adolph actually sounds better. This name is simply ugly and old-fashioned, and it makes me think of that annoying Christmas song. Plus, it leads to that awful nickname Rudy. And who are the famous people in history with this name again? I can only think of Rudy Giuliani, and everyone seems to hate him.
What a fresh choice for a child today!
And we can't forget, of course, Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer.

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