Comments (Pronunciation Only)

Ok. Here goes. I'm 56. My middle name is Sean. It is not pronounced SHAWN. My mom named me after Sean Connery and she swears up and down that he pronounced his name differently when he first became famous. As far as I know, there are only 2 of us. You cannot imagine how hard it is to explain your name to everyone you meet. How 99% still pronounce it wrong even when trying to pronounce it the way I do. The other guy is a meteorologist out of Phoenix, Sean McLaughlin. It is not pronounced SEEN. That is also wrong. It is pronounced SEEIN. I always say, pretend you are a southerner and say "I'll be seein you later" if you can manage this you got it perfect. It is not CN with a hard break in the middle. It is not SEEN, SIN, SAN, SON, SANE or the multitude of other pronunciations I've heard. I got a Christmas card from my sister in law's parents once. They called me Sin. Really? You think that's how it's spelled? Anyhow it sucks having this name. Do not put your children through this living hell of a name. Call them Shawn. Spell it any one of the three accepted ways. If there are any others out there, I'd love to hear from you. Feels good to vent.
Once I met a girl with the name Sean but it wasn't pronounced SHAWN it was pronounced SEEN.
Love it! Although it it's a little common, I think it's quite strong and masculine! Pronounced SHAWN.
Irish Pronunciation: SHAHN. [noted -ed]
How do you get SHAWN out of Sean? Shouldn't it be pronounced like seen then?
The name is NOT pronounced SHAWN, there is no w sound, rather it is pronounced SHON. Shawn is a different similiar-sounding name, not the same name.

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