Comments (Pronunciation Only)

My mum found this name when pregnant with me in a very old Welsh baby names book, not sure if she knew it was a male name but has pronounced it in a very Polish way since and as such Tal-ee-SIN is how we prefer it. Though I still only go by Talie.
Taliesin is my first name, and I am a girl, I live in Australia and for me, it's pronounced Tal-ee-es-in.
This is my son's first name and we pronounce it TAL-uh-sin. We live in Minnesota, USA.
You can pronounce it Tal-EYE-es-in all you like, it's still WRONG. tal-ee-ES-in is correct.The Welsh letter 'i' is pronounced like the English 'ee'. Take it from somebody who speaks Welsh as a first language. Please!On another note:
I know a Taliesin, he usually goes by the nickname 'Tal' (which also means 'tall' in Welsh). Though his mother calls him 'Tallie'. :P
I named my 10 month old son Taliesin. I pronounce it tal-EYE-esin. When I was 14 I found the name, and I've been in love ever since. It's very nice to know that I'm not the only one who pronounces Taliesin like that.
I've heard it pronounced Tal-iss-in. I love it pronounced this way, it's my favourite boys name.
Shouldn't it be pronounced "tal-ee-ESH-in"?
I've heard this pronounced tally-ESIN, tal-YES-in and tal-EYE-es-in, and the first two pronunciations seem to be the most common. Either way, I think it's a lovely name and it's one of my favourites.
I have a Welsh friend with a son named Taliesin, and they pronounce it Tal-EYE-es-in.

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