Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I wouldn't exactly name my kid this, but this name absolutely ROCKS!
Extremely old-fashioned and very hard to justify using.
Theodore is better since Theodore won’t get teased.
I like this name, but it does sound a bit strange.
Ugh! Despise! What is Theo's hair? Bald? I much prefer Theodore, or the best of all, Theo! I love Theo and Theodore, but I despise this. Can we take the "bald" part away? I feel so bad for Theobald's and don't name your kid this, they will be bullied and teased forever, this name is a curse! If you name your son Theobald, you are the worst parents ever!
Oh! If I ever name my son Theobald, Bald Theo can be his nickname!
Funny name.
I prefer Theodore.
I feel bad for the kid named Theobald.
I personally like this name, it has a fascinating history and I adore the diminutive Theo!
It's hard to imagine how Wolfe Tone ever got such an uncool name. No wonder he went by Wolfe.
I hate this name, it is so stupid, who would actually name their baby Theobald because their kid would be bullied for their whole life.

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