Comments (Usage Only)

A very popular name, my family has never had a generation without at least one Tom. (as far as we can remember)
The Normans didn’t introduce the name. They popularized it. Most biblical names were rare in England until the Normans came. [noted -ed]
The reason why the name "Thomas" or "Tom" is used is because parents want their son to be a heterosexual. When someone's name is Tom or Thomas, there is a 99% chance that he will be a heterosexual. Many straight girls simp for guys named Tom, such as Tom Holland, Tom Felton and Tom Cruise. However, the 1% of LGBTQ+ Toms mainly consists of Thomas "Tom" Lucitor from Star vs the Forces of Evil, who mainly bisexual and pansexual people simp for. Tom Lucitor is pansexual himself.
Kerri Maniscalco's novel series' male protagonist is called Thomas.
Also Jèrriais:
Thomas became an Italian name too. In 2017 were born 1480 Thomas' in Italy (nearly reached the Top 30).
In 2018, 58 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Thomas who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 11th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.

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