Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Probably not a famous usage, but the ancient city of Tirzah is where I heard this. Tirzah is located in Nablus Governorate, West Bank, near Mukhayyam/Fari'a, Taluza, and Tamun.
The first time I heard this name (pronounced TEER-zah) was in the movie Ben-Hur. In it, Tirzah was Ben-Hur's sister who, when Ben-Hur was banished, fell ill with leprosy along with her mother. I won't go on, because then I'll spoil the movie!Anyway, from the first time I heard Tirzah, I thought it was an absolutely beautiful name, full of elegance, spirit, even some sorrow.
In Francine River's book Redeeming Love, this is one of the names Michael called Angel.
William Blake wrote a poem named 'To Tirzah'.
Also the name of the sister of Ben Hur, from the book and the film of the same name.

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