Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Hideous spelling.
I think both spellings of this name are equally pretty.
I prefer Twila. In my humble opinion, the "wy" combo doesn't really match well together. Sorry if I'm offending anyone, I don't mean to.
My name is Twyla. My grandfather named me. Every time I tell someone my name they ask me to repeat it. They always tell me it's super unique and cool or beautiful and I truly love my name. I never met anyone with my name. That would be really cool to be best friends with the same name. My grandpa told me it was the name of one of his mother's friends and she owned a book store. Twyla's book store. And he wanted that to be my name. Just so happens, I love to read and that new book smell.
Absolutely horrible.
This name is absolutely gorgeous. It's my daughter's name! She LOVES it, and calls herself "Twilight Girl" Some people try to shorten her name to "Twy" which doesn't go over well. She gets a lot of compliments and doesn't get teased much. This name isn't popular so overall I'd say if you want to make your daughter this, go for it!
I was always told Twyla was a Sioux Indian princess and her name meant 'morning of the dawn'. I personally love my name.
I used to hate my mom for naming me Twyla when I was a child, but now I'm glad my mother didn't give me a common name.
The name Twyla is gorgeous and stunning! I think this spelling is best as some people may incorrectly say "Twill-a" or "Tweela" for the name Twila instead of "TWIE-lə".
At first, I didn't like this name, but the more I think about it, the more beautiful it becomes!
I love this name! I didn't even know that it was a name. I myself am a bearer of one of these less-popular names, but I'd trade my name for Twyla anyday. If it's derived from 'twilight', that's awesome! If not, the name's still very cool.I think that, if it's from twilight, it sahould be TWYIE-la. If it's the 'woven' one, it should be 'TWEE-la.' Just my opninion.
Not that there's anything wrong with a name making people think of twilight, but the word itself doesn't have the most pleasant sound with the 't' and 'w' following one another. This can sound very annoying in nasal, loud-mouthed pronunciation, just like Dwayne.
This was my grandmother's name and I always found it beautiful, because it reminded me of the word twilight. Her daughter was called Twilaine, which is apparently some variation off of the name Twyla.
Sounds like someone who cant pronounce the word 'Tyler.' Not that I like the name Tyler anyway.

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