Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Valkyrie... an artful, sweeping muse that gallops through the realms of Norse mythology, her name a clarion call echoing through the hallowed corridors of Valhalla. In this saga, Valkyrie is a legendary anthem carried by the erratic winds of destiny, lifting fallen heroes to the worlds beyond. A living embodiment of bravery and the relentless pursuit of honor, she speaks of battles waged and fates determined. Each crimson note is a nod to the warriors ushered to their place of rest... Valkyrie is an artful proclamation of the legendary chronicles resounding through the ages, immortalizing the valiant tales of those chosen by the valkyries.
Too underused.
I named my second daughter Valkyrie. It's pronounced "VAL-keer-ee." Of course, it comes from the Norse demigoddesses who chose the fallen warriors (both male and female) from battlefields to take to Valhalla. Plus, they're commonly envisioned as riding winged horses! What could be cooler for young girls?Giving my children a choice of diminutives or alternative short versions was important to me, along with strong formal names they could grow into. Although my daughter likes the whole name and uses it, she disdains the shorter "Val" in favor of using "Kyrie" informally.
I like the name Valkyrie. There is something about it that sounds strong and sophisticated. It sounds mature and intelligent. There is an oomph feeling in it when you say it, unlike the name Valerie, which sounds more child-like and innocent. Perhaps it's the historical context of the role of the Valkyries in Norse mythology or Wagner's The Ride of the Valkyries that leave me with this impression, but I feel it is a beautiful name that would be suitable for a strong personality.
Unique, ethereal, and regal sounding name. It can be a good alternative to Valerie.
I love this name because it reminds me of my favorite band, Blind Guardian. They have a great song called Valkyries. I might use it as a middle name.
The greatest gift I have ever received is my name. There is power in being a Valkyrie (Val-kur-e). You get your own theme song. You have a name that drips with strength. You have mythology that links you to the beauty of the northern lights. For people that have a hard time saying it I explain that it's Val with a little bit of spice. Val+curry. I go by V and Valk by those who still can't say it. I am totally for there being more Valkyries in this world.
It's an alright name, a bit strange and harsh-sounding though, but I suppose Val would be an ok nickname. :)
Whenever I hear this name, I hear the Ride of the Valkyries playing and start laughing. It doesn't sound like a real name.
This is such a pretty name.
It looks A LOT like Valerie, with the KY replacing the E. Otherwise the letters are the same and in the same order.
I love this name because it sounds very strong. That and I love names with more uncommon letters in them (q, z, x, v).
I just love this name. It's very beautiful, and it'd be great in one of my up-and-coming stories.
There is inner power and strength in that name and I love it, I am using this name a lot for my game characters. =)

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