Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Hi my name's Vannah👋 and I'm here to talk about "Vannah". Now as you see there's really no comments about this name and I'm probably the first ever person to actually comment here. Well first off I want to say that my name or your name or our name "Vannah" is very unique and being unique makes us quite special, I mean being named Vannah is very cool especially that it's a very girly like name, and I love it! That's one thing I like about the name Vannah. I'll actually tell u the story about my name. My name's very historical, not about the famous historics but about my family's history. Well I have a grandmother, I mean we all do, but my grandmother's sister's name is Banang, I know, so unique, that's where they found my name. It was supposed to be Savannah but it turns out during my due there was a famous p**nstar who spread around media at that time. And they didn't want me to get bullied so instead the common old "Savannah" they turned it into "Vannah" and I'm actually glad they changed it, I mean Savannah has a lot of meaning into it, for my judging the name Savannah turns out to be wild or adventurous girl who turns out to relate the song "Roar" by Katy Perry but still back to the discussion I absolutely was thankful they erased the Sa and turned it into Vannah! So yeah ig that's all I could say and actually one thing, I still get bullied for my name but the most name calling I get is "banana" yeah, harsh I know, but if you're looking through names and you saw this I would likely recommend Vannah! And when they grow older tell them I was the only person who recommended Vannah and her name's Vannah too!

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