Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Prefer Victoria. The "k" in Viktoria looks too "spiky".
My name is Viktoria and I love it because my dad chose it for me and because it's a less common spelling for the name Victoria. Also I feel like the "k" doesn't make it look as proper or royal as Victoria. Everyone I've met thought my name was spelled with a 'c' at first. I also feel my name is a bit odd or unique because I can hardly find any name websites with my name because it shows results for Victoria instead because it's more commonly used. But Viktoria can have the same nicknames as Victoria, which is really cool. I have multiple different nicknames some not even similar to my name but some nicknames can be Vicky, Tori, Toria, and Viki. I've also been called Viktor and V by my friend who loves using nicknames.
I love the spelling of Viktoria since it adds a sense of graceful flair that I genuinely adore.
The 'k' adds flair and beauty to Victoria.
My legal name is Victoria but I plan to change my name to Viktoria when I become 18. It's just so much more like me, and it has way more pizzazz and exoticism than Victoria.
I feel this name really suits young girls. Alternative nicknames could be "Vicki" or "Vic".

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