Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think Vladislav is a nice Slavic name. It sounds very masculine—strong and powerful. I’m not sure it is really usable here in the USA unless you wish to honor your Russian or Ukrainian roots. I’m not crazy about the diminutive Vlad but Slava is ok.
It's my name! 99.9% of the time people shorten it to Vlad (or Vladik if they're trying to make it sound sweet and extra casual), since it's too formal to use the full form.
I'm personally not too big of a fan. The way it rolls off the tongue just feels a little off to me, I don't think I can describe it reasonably. Especially the way it sounds when you say it with an English accent, but in any other way I heard it, it sounds alright.
Opinions of other people I asked differ quite a lot, ranging from "every person who goes by this is probably really dumb" to "this name is amazing and I like saying it". All in all, it's not very rare, so most people just consider it "nothing special".P.S. There I talked about my own experience with the name, including my own opinion. This is most definitely not the only way people feel about this name.
I think this is my favourite male Slavic name. It sounds very good. I really wonder why it isn't used more often here in the Czech Republic. VLADIMÍR is more common, which I really don't like that much. Maybe people like its meaning more. But Vladislav really has great sound, it's almost like poetry!
This is a cool name for a Slavic man. It has a good ring to it.

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