Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my husband's top pick for our next son and it's growing on me. Yes, it's a bit old, but most names we like are and I like names that aren't overwhelmingly adored as I don't want my kids being one of many of the same name in every class, but familiar enough spelling & pronunciation shouldn't be an issue. Walter checks all these boxes as well as having for child-like nicknames like Wally or Waldo & handsome Walt for all ages. There's many pop culture references that gives to our positive associations such as Walt Longmire, Walter from Secondhand Lions, Walter Bishop from Fringe, Walter Mitty, etc. That for us, outweigh Walter from Breaking Bad. My only hesitation is we already have an Arthur so I worry they're too similar.
I can imagine a kid named Walter, I can imagine a adult named Walter, I cannot, however imagine a newborn named Walter.
I think Walter is a nice, strong name. It's classy and it ages well. Also, “power of the army” is a really cool meaning.
I really love this name and it reminds me of Walter Blythe (2nd son of Anne Shirley); So I can cry whenever I hear it. This name has a special place in my heart and I think boys with this upperclass name are nice and gorgeous.
Sounds better pronounced in German but there's still something about this name that I just can't enjoy.
I literally can't think about this name without thinking about Breaking Bad.
Just makes me think of Walter White off Breaking Bad.
Most old fashioned names don't appeal to me, but Walter is one exception.
The nickname Walt is so cute to me. I don't even care about the Disney association. This is such a charming, handsome name.
Oh, Walter. I will admit that this is an old man name. But there are lots of other “old man names” being used today which are considered “vintage.” I think that Walter is vintage-vintage: it has all the features of an old classic, numerous famous bearers, and it hasn’t been commonly used since it dropped off the US top 100 names list in 1973. Walter hasn’t come back around quite yet (and maybe it won’t). But we might just find Walter popping up on one of those vintage baby name lists one day. This name actually first showed up on my radar when I watched and loved the newest version of the movie "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty."I named my son (now one year old) Walter Allen (Allen is his dad’s middle name). I remember scrutinizing this name on this website when I was considering it. Though it seems strange and old for a baby name, it actually fits him perfectly. Both his great-grandfathers were named Walter. His family adores his name and his young cousins call him Walty. I love the nickname Walt and when he is older he can choose between being called Walter or Walt. Lots of great famous bearers. Both his father and I have incredibly common names so we always knew we’d pick something different. Walter is actually a very, very common name--but it is unique for a young person of today. I've personally never met a young person named Walter. Being stubborn, we refused to go with more popular vintage names like Archie or Ollie or Henry. And our little boy just makes us love this name more—it’s handsome, strong, cultured, classic, happy.
Nice name! Reminds me of the Muppet character.
I can't imagine a small child called Walter, and the Beano character Walter the softy may lead to teasing at school.
I like the name Walter for an old man but definitely not a child.
Walter. As a 6’10 190 pound body guard there’s nothing I love more than watching people back away saying my name.
The name Walter, depicts a noble and honorable character. It is loved by men and women of courage and honor and hated by lesser individuals.
Such an old man name. I know two boys who have this as a middle name though.
I am Walter Shoults of Polish descent and I love my name. Also I am named after my grandfather, Mr John Walter Shoults. Texas proud!
A dull name, and it also has an unappealing sound to it. I think of a tall, bland, and rather uptight old guy when I hear this name. I also think of the Aspercreme commercial with the old lady talking to the young woman who smells like Bengay: "You smell like my Walter!" (And then a caption pops up that says "DON'T SMELL LIKE WALTER!") :d.
It's a really handsome name.
And I like the Walter Blythe association.
This is my son's name. We called him Walty when he was little, now he's usually Walt. He's pretty dapper in a bowtie.
My boyfriend's name is Walter and I love it. I call him Walt and Wally.
I really love this name :)
Walt is okay too, but a little strange in my opinion.
Definitely different for newer generations. I love the nickname Walt even more.
As a professional in the expertise area of name choosing, I would recommend this name specifically and precisely for eligible children who possess the qualities of blonde tinted hair and eyes of a blue hue. I think these girls capture the true essence of the name Walter and they create a fresh legacy behind the name. Thank you, and good night. *cue the applause*
Everytime I hear this name I imagine a cute little fisherman from the old days. I really love this name it so cute and innocent and it fits on a grown man too. Also it still has that classy feel or the nice sweet great pa sound to it.
I really like the name Walter, and I totally agree with the above comment. I hope it'll be used more often in the future. :-)
Of all the famous bearers of this name, the one that comes to my mind first is the handsome fictional character Walter Blythe from L. M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables books. Walter was a sensitive, artistic poet who had something of the clairvoyant in him, and (spoiler alert!) in the book 'Rilla of Ingleside', he died bravely and honorably fighting in WWI. To me Walter will always be that sensitive boy and I think this name has much more class and staying power than a stupid made up name like Jayden.
My paternal grandfather was named this. I think it would be cool for a kid, and he'll stand out out of the the Kaidens, Braidens, and Jaidens in his class. A real refreshing choice. (:
I love the name Walter, except for the fact that Wally is a popular nickname, since a "wally" is slang for a fool.
The only person I know with this name is a little boy. It sounds very pleasant and refreshing to me. I like Walt as a nickname, too.
A very nice name. It reminds me of a bright eyed man with a dazzling smile and a big imagination.
I don't particularly like the name Walter but I do like the nickname Wat for it! It reminds me of Wat from a Knights Tale hehe :)

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