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Warren comes from the old German name Warin which means: protect. It was brought to England and popularized by the Norman William de Warenne. William de Warenne was Frankish, and the Frankish came from Germany and conquered Northern France from the Gauls. William de Warenne likely had the last name of Warinna considering he lived on the Warinna river - now 'Frenchified' as Verenne - but he changed it to Warenne to accustom his family with Norman culture. The rabbit hole meaning likely also comes from Warin but was adopted at a different time. These rabbit hole lands needed protection and a 'Warin' was given the duty of protecting it. In essence, the name Warren means protect, from old German, and spread to Western Europe in differing ways, and then made its way to England via William de Warenne.
In 2018, 57 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Warren who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 469th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
According to, there are six people in the U.S. named Warren Peace!
Common nicknames for Warren include:
Waz, Wazza, Wal, Wally, Wocca, Rabbit & Rab.

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