Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Wilhelmina is one of my favourite names for girls, which took a long time to grow on me but now I absolutely adore it for its sound that's both very strong and very soft, depending how you look at it, and a multitude of versatile nicknames. I would be pretty happy to use it for a child, assuming I'd ever have one. So that quite naturally extends to Wilhelmine, since it is so similar. I do think it is a little more clunky than Wilhelmina, but still absolutely lovely. And if it's too clunky or weird in the first name spot for someone's taste, I think it could do really well as a middle name (or even one of several middle names) adding a bit of an aristocratic vibe to the combo. Wilhelmine feels very royal and noble to me. While it's a German name, I think it could work nicely in English pronounced simply as Wilhelmina without the -a, which makes it even softer than Wilhelmina, unlike the original German pronunciation.
I have always loved the name Wilhelmine and thought it sounds pretty as well as mature. It can go by any nickname like Helmi and Mimi.

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