Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Keep nicknames as nicknames only!
Guys called Will usually seem to have a laddish, misogynistic, slightly unintelligent, "locker room talk" kind of vibe. Sorry to all the decent guys called Will out there.
I think it’s a great name! Will y’all stop doing all of these puns (pun not intended)?
I love Will, I prefer it on a girl^^
It’s a cool name, if I do say so myself.
Guys, Will is such a great name because there are so many other wills and it's like having a ton of loyal clone brothers.
Boring and not a good nickname for William.
Hey Will! Will you do this for me?
Too short as a legal name. It's also a future tense.
Will you do this for me Will? Please? Only good for a nickname.
Will will kill, he has skills!
Also feminine because it can be short for Willow.
I used to dislike this name but now I think it's quite nice.
Will you stop saying this name is so great? (See what I did there?)
I always think of Will Solace.
Quite unique if it isn’t a William nickname.
Commented this on William page, but I like that Will can be interpreted as “by force of Will”.
This my nickname for my name William. I prefer to be addressed as Will.
That's my nickname. My name is William Barrow and people would bully me by calling me "Wheel Barrow" in elementary school. But now I embrace Wheel Barrow.
I love the name Will, forget about Liam! Liam sucks in my opinion, Will is the REAL DEAL!
I think this is actually a pretty cool nickname. I like it much better than William or Bill.
I know an 8-year-old boy named Will, so I guess I think of him and his personality when I hear this name. I like it; William sounds nice but a bit too formal. Will and Willie are nice nicknames.
This name is nice. My brother is called William. I LOVE the name Will. It's a very strong and happy name. :)
The comments for this name surprise me. Though I have truly favored every William/Will I have ever met and have found them to be very charming with attractive personalities, they turn out to be deceitful and untrustworthy, a bit roguish, not at all wholesome. But I'm especially surprised that everyone hates the nickname Billy, I love it! I called my uncle "Billy" all through my childhood and still do even though he's going by Will now, the other William I'm close to goes by Billy as well.
I like Will better than the other versions. For one thing, William is kind of awkward to say. Bill and Billy just sound gross, and Willie sounds like the name of a toddler or makes me think of Willie Loomis (Barnabas' Collins servant on the old soap Dark Shadows). Will however is shorter and less painful to the ears. I used to hate all versions of this name, but Will is starting to really grow on me.
A much better nickname for William than Bill or Billy. I can't stand those two. However, I find William itself dreadfully boring. It would be nice to hear this to be short for something else for a change. In Will Smith's case, it's short for Willard, which seems hard to imagine.
I'm always suspicious of Will's which is a shame 'cos it's a real nice name.
I knew a guy named Will, but it wasn't short for William, it was just Will. I like it better than William.
By chance, this name has a meaning unrelated to its origin. The English word "Will" as in personal determination and desire gives it a strong and assertive connotation adding to its masculinity.
Cool and handsome name for a boy.

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