Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Willy was a cute nickname, until it became slang.
I only like this as a nickname for William.
My name is William, and I’ve gone by Will for practically my entire life. On occasion, I’ve been called Willy as a nickname; it makes me feel kind of warm. I think that I like this name.
“Willy” sounds so weird and unattractive.
I don't care for a slang word because it so ruined in my opinion. I prefer this pronounced VIL-ee because it sounds like Billy.
How about just go with Will.
This name makes me laugh- it's just as bad as Billy.
Oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't tell me that some old woman is gonna name their son and daughter Willy and Titty! That is plain horrible!
Is this even worse than Dick?
It's a vulgar slang...
Willy is a slang for penis. I wouldn't use it. Will and Liam sound better and more mature anyway.
I like the name Willy, it's my dog's name. I've never heard of it being a slang word. It's a shame, there's nothing wrong with the name itself.
I really love name Willy. It's the name of my favourite character in Tim Burton's movie 'Charlie and the chocolate factory' Willy Wonka. I would give my son the name Willy even though I live in Slovenia where there is the more popular variant Vili. But still I would name him Willy Edward- I think it goes together perfectly. As the feminine form I think it would go Willow (her nickname could be Willy) as much as I like Lilly and other forms.
This is dreadful even as a nickname! I would never name my kid something that is vulgar slang.
I've known several Willy's, but never once associated it with (nor heard it associated with) male genitalia until I came on this website. So I think it's a fine nickname.
In my country Willie or Willy is just a normal name for man or woman. A bit like John or Janet.
Willie is my mother's name. Short for Wilhelmina.
Works great with brother Dick!
The kid will be teased and teased and teased. Don't even go there. Off this name, right now! Off you go!
Bad idea!
This dreadful nickname will forever be associated with the male organ. Billy or Will would be much better.
I think that it is a very cute nickname when you are a young boy; when you are a teenager it is funny and memorable; and when you are an adult, it is time to switch to William.

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