Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Very pretty, one of my favorites. I love the nickname ‘Winnie’ and I find Winona much easier to use than Winnifred (although I like them both).I think of Winona Ryder, and Winnie Cooper.
My favorite OC is named Winona so I automatically love this name!
Named my second daughter Winona, (after her great-great-Aunt, whose father was a full Sioux native.) She is my eldest daughter with my second husband, and is his eldest daughter. She goes by Nonie, which can be confusing, because my granddaughter calls me Nonni. I had always planned to call a daughter that name.
Very stylish.
Sounds very country to me.
I like it. It's unique/unusual, and I love that.
I love Winona Ryder. She's who I think of when I hear this name.
I don't like the -ona ending.
My name is Winona, I'm first born and my nickname is Winnie!
I like this name for two reasons: First, my daughter's name is Dakota, so I have a soft spot for names with Native American origins. Second, Stranger Things just made Winona Ryder relevant again!
I like the name's meaning but I don't really like how it sounds. It's a nice name anyways.
It would be a very cool name to have. It's not common, and it's got a nice history.
This is my name! Personally I think it looks pretty and I like it very much, although I'm Korean, not English or Native American so I'm not sure where it came from.
I have some family members with this name, it's a nice name.
I personally think this name is rather fitting and very beautiful. It is definitely different, which I like. Too many children with the same names these days.
I like how this is an uncommon and unique name, yet so beautiful. I have a friend with this name who goes by Winny.
So much better than Winifred!
I love being called Winona. My mother gave me a fantastic name and I'm very proud of it. My nieces and nephews call me Nona, a nickname I cherish, but the idea of Winnie or Wendy as a nickname is awful- I hate being called Winnie.
I find this name so gutsy and even though it's Native American, I always felt this was the perfect western name. To me, this name is more exotic than Scarlett. I have to admit the meaning is not that cool but some people really don't care about meaning. When I hear the name Winona, I imagine a beautiful western girl and a tragic love story. It's just so beautiful and I love it so much. It's so uncommon and I love the nickname Winnie. My favorite combo for this name is Winona Rose- it just sounds so cool I also like Winona Caroline, Winona Charlotte, Winona Scarlett, Winona Vivian, Winona Melanie and finally Winona Catherine.
My grandmother was originally named Charlotte, when she was a toddler her mother got annoyed that everyone called her Lottie so she changed her name to Winona. My grandmother was named Winona Wanda and she absolutely loathed it. She was known to everyone as Noni. I'm sure she would try to stop me but when I have a daughter I am going to name her Winona. It makes me happy to have the story to pass on. I think the name is so charming. I'm going to ditch the Wanda part though. : ) Winona Rose has a lovely ring to it.
I think this name is very pretty. My future daughter will be called Winona.
Nice meaning, but I'm not sure about the name altogether. It's hard to pronounce for me. :/
This name reminds me of Winona Ryder. But, luckily, I love the beautiful Ms. Ryder. I prefer the "Wenona" spelling, however. As far as nicknames go, I love Winna and Wendy.
Winona is such a beautiful, feminine name! I love it so much! I love the combo Winona Charlotte.
Such a beautiful name!
My grandmother's name is Wynona Rose. I think it's an absolutely beautiful name, but when she was growing up, it was hard for other kids to pronounce, so everyone called her Rose.I actually like the name a lot, though I prefer the original Winona. In fact, I'm using it for a character in a story of mine, and everyone calls her Winna.
This name is just plain strange.
I do not like this name at all. I think that it's quite ugly. But it is nice that it originated with the Native Americans. Very few names in common use do.
Tacky and ugly. Ugh.
Reminds me of the word whine.
This is such a beautiful name. A good nickname is Wendy.
I love the name Winona, and I love Winona Rider. She does spell it Winona. However, it originally was spelt with a y and her last name was Horowitz, she is either full or semi Jewish. I think Winona is a nice name, lots of nicknames. Win, Winnie, and Nona. Although Nona is Italian for grandma. So that would be a bit odd for a little girl. But I think it's nice. I would like to name my first kid this, if it were a girl since it means firstborn. Plus since the nickname is Winnie, it makes me think of Winnie the Pooh and Winnie from the Wonder Years.
Winona is such an adorable name. My future daughters will be Anastasia and Winona.

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