Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I could have been a Xerxes! It was one of my dad's choices before I was born, but fortunately/unfortunately it did not come to be. I still like it a lot though, it's very unique - you will likely never meet more than one Xerxes in your life.
Actually I exist with the name Xerxes literally, and I'm glad that my mothers gave this name to me. It's so very unique to hear here in the Philippines. When they hear my name they look at me even though they don't know me, and they say, what a name you have! It's so very unique. Thanks for the name that I have.
The only big problem is "sexreX". Apart from that I think this a good, strong, complex name.
This is a great, cool, strong, handsome name for a guy. ;)
Doesn't really sound usable, especially not after 300's rendition of Xerxes, which portrays him as an effeminate 7 foot tall bald man wearing gold briefs and tons of jewelry. I always get that frightening image from it. Plus the movie 300 really stinks.
I love this name, in my opinion it is a very masculine name. But I doubt it is usable as a first name here in Denmark, so I guess I have to use it as a middle name. Would love to have a Julian Xerxes.
Xerxes spelled backwards is "Sex rex".Other than that, I like this name.
I think Xerxes is a really cool name, but I don't think I would ever give my kid this name as it is a little too out there.
There is something oddly appealing about this name.
Hm, an odd name. But I like it! It's not very common, and it sounds very, well, simply put, cool!
This is one of my favorite boys' names. I love the way it sounds, and love the way it looks handwritten.

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