Comments (Meaning / History Only)

I had also found that the King James Bible New Testament was translated from Greek. The word "life" shows 134 times throughout the New Testament. If you are defining the different uses for the word in the Bible, then yes, it can mean life devoted to God, fullness of life, life real and genuine, or living soul. If one dives into history a little or has seen a 1611 or later of the KJV Bible, you'd know there are usually different uses for words and their history, especially in other languages. Don't just go off of an internet search. It can mean more than just the translation of life. So no one in this thread is wrong. You just have to dig a little deeper. Always do your research and homework. The things you might find are pretty interesting! I also love the way the Ancient Greek form of the word looks.
Many people would deny the meaning of Zoë to be anything but life. The Greek work for life is bios. Zoë means spiritual life. Bios refers to the body, while Zoë refers to the soul. Both words mean life, but they refer to two different kinds of life.To get the two dots over the e, the shortcut on a keyboard is Alt 137.
To all the people saying Zoe means God-life or spirit-life or whatever- not really. In a poetic or literary context (like the Bible), then yeah, it can/does, but in day to day life (haha, joke), it just means "life". Just ordinary, being alive "life". It's just a normal word that also functions as a name, like Hope or Faith in English.
I agree with the person above, Zoë doesn't mean "God's Faith", or whatever, it only means "Life" in Greek. It is an amazing, elegant name, and not at all over used. It a crime to dislike this name.
"Zoe" is an "aeon" in Gnosticism. It means "life", and completes "Logos" as a female form. "Logos" means "word".
I would like to point out, with many people simply making up the meaning of this name, it is the Greek word for 'life'.
Sources: Having the name (mine is the Zoie spelling, Greek is ζωή - zóé) & having visited Greece many times.
Any English -> Greek translator will agree.
While the name literally means "life" in Greek, it is used in the Bible to mean "spirit life."
100% Greek. A Greek word meaning life, that's all.
Someone posted that Zoe meant "God Life" or "Great faith." That is actually wrong. Zoe comes from ancient Greece. During Ancient Greece, people worshiped many gods/goddesses and did not practice Christianity until much later. So, the name Zoe was adopted by Judaism and Christianity later when people were being converted. The name simply means "life."
Zoe actually means "God life" or great faith.

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