Comments (Pronunciation Only)

This is my mother's nickname for me and she pronounces it "Zoh-shuh".
I've always pronounced it as Zo-shuh.
I pronounce this ZOS-EEA.
The Polish tongue/język (as I have studied it) is remarkably more consistent in its pronunciation and its grammatical rules than English. As such, all "o" vowels in Polish words should be spoken with a long oh (boat, coke, oar) pronunciation--not the "AW" (bought, hot, drawn) sound shown here. 'zoh shuh
It's actually the other way round. Polish language has indeed very simple rules about how to read words. But the letter "o" in Polish language is pronounced as in the word "bought" not "boat". The phonetic transcription to Polish of these two words would be accordingly "bOt" and "bOŁt". For us -Polish speakers- if someone says "oh" (as in "oh, it's so nice") it sounds like "oł" not "o".
Also, if we're already on the subject, "sia" isn't exactly pronounced as "sha" - in Polish this sound would look like this: "sza". "Sia" is a soft sound. More like "xia" in pinyin transcription of Chinese. But for this site "sha" appears to be the closest we can get.And about the name itself, I find name Zofia really beautiful. And it has a beautiful diminutive.

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