Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword beget.
Abidemi m & f Yoruba
Means "born in my absence" in Yoruba. It is typically given to children born when the father is away.
Abimbola f & m Yoruba
Means "born to me with wealth" in Yoruba.
Abiodun m & f Yoruba
Means "born on a festival" in Yoruba.
Abiola f & m Yoruba
Means "born into wealth" in Yoruba.
Abioye m & f Yoruba
Means "born into royalty" in Yoruba.
Afolabi m Yoruba
Means "born into wealth" in Yoruba.
Gentius m Albanian
Possibly means "to beget" in Illyrian. This was the name of a 2nd-century BC Illyrian king who went to war with Rome.